Owner: Mandy Morgan

Certified: SHERPA Breath & Cold Guide Certified: Red Cross First Aid (Standard & Emergency)

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Have you ever tried something new and loved it so much you wanted to show it to everyone else so they could experience it?! That’s what happened to our owner and founder of SerenDIP Therapy, after she started experiencing the benefits of cold water therapy and breath work! Here is a little bit of her story, from her perspective:

You see, I’m a YES friend, which means I will pretty much jump into any adventure (yes, I mean… to an extent). I was asked to try getting into the ice cold waters of Halifax, Nova Scotia, Canada in the dead of winter 2021. Okay, okay, I admit, my initial thought was “are you f*$%ing crazy?!” However…My next reaction was “Ok, I’ll give you 7 days,” and then I’m done!!! But, little did I know I would be hooked and here I am years later still continuing on.

Call it serenDIPity, but my first cold exposure came at a time when I was living with extremely bad anxiety and depression (which I’ve lived with on and off my entire life) and was also the same time that the world had shut down due to a global pandemic. I lived alone, my precious pup was undergoing major surgery, and I couldn’t find comfort in anyone anywhere. Now, fast forward just a year later into my cold dipping journey.

I FELT AMAZING! My anxiety and depression were pretty much gone, my immune system was super human, I did lose some weight, but most importantly, I felt so great about myself.

Let’s fast forward again 1 more year I learned ALOT about Breathwork and all of its amazingness and decided to jump on a flight to Ontario for a certification course in Breath & Cold. I’ve since come back to Halifax as the only certified SHERPA Breath & Cold Guide in Nova Scotia.

These two modalities intertwined together are like a perfect storm for making positive changes in ones wellness: Mind, Body, and Spirit. Our hope is to help anyone that is willing to dip their toes into these newer (and kind of ancient) healing modalities. If you have anxiety, depression, PTSD, chronic pain, or just want to try it out because you are curious and want to take care of your own wellness, you have come to the right place.

We are here for you every step of the way, holding your hand (yes, sometimes literally), and guiding you into the best version of YOU. Whether it’s cold water you want to explore, or breathwork practices or both, we’ve got you covered!

Sending you love and light!